Hi guys!
I'm looking into getting ToonBoom.
There's a few different versions, which one should I "buy" ?
I think Harmony is the best? It's all very confusing. Anyway let me know below which one I should get and how i can "buy" it!
Also my xbox juan(view here!) video was front paged for over a week! Sweet! Thanks Newgrounds. I didn't think it would get so popular.
It also got daily 1st and weekly 3rd.
In other news, I'm making a Star Trek parody for HuhaTV, a breaking bad parody for my own channel, and writing scripts with a guy called cribble on youtube for a die hard cartoon I wanna make.
Also I just finished college and my exhibition is next Thursday! I'll be uploading my Final Year film next weekend too. Here's a picture!
For more of my stuff check out MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL!
Also is it possible to get your username /url changed on newgrounds? I don't use 'gapmunky' anymore.
*edit* TomFulp just changed my username! Thanks so much. Yay for online consistency!
Thanks for reading and have a splendiferous day!
get toon boom animate pro. it was designed for independent animators and it isn't as complicated as the bigger versions of toon boom which were make for studios.
okay thanks!